Header Maker for Visual Basic 5.0, version 1.0 This Visual Basic 5.0 add-in allows the programmer to use his own predefined header for all of its code procedures. You can defined as many templates you wish that wil allow you to include such as the programmer's name, the creation date of the procedure or your error trapping section. YOU will decide the way your code procedure will looks like and YOU will define your own coding stantards. With Header Maker, all of your programmers will write there code procedure the same way. _______________________________________________________________ Contents: 1- Installation 2- How to use it 3- Registration 4- Disclaimer _______________________________________________________________ 1- Installation --------------- - Double-click on the file HM510.EXE. This will cause it to de-compress itself. ******************************************************* * * * CAUTION! Make sure that you are running this * * .EXE file in an empty folder or on a blank * * formatted diskette! * * * ******************************************************* - Double-click the "SETUP.EXE" Setup File. This will install the add-in. - Once you have installed this utility, you can delete the files from the folder that HM510.EXE was run. - In Visual Basic 5.0, open the [Add-Ins] menu and select [Add-In Manager...]. Check «Header Maker». You now have a «Header Maker» menu under the pop-up menu from your code window. - If you need to uninstall this utility, open the Control Panel, and double-click "Add/Remove Software." _______________________________________________________________ 2- How to use it ----------------- There are three menus under the «Header Maker» menu: [Insert header]: To insert your personalized header in your module, right-click anywhere in the procedure where you want to add a header, i.e. between the «Sub MySub ()» line and the «End Sub» line. Select [Header Maker], [Insert header]. Your personalized header wil be inserted in your procedure. If you already have some code in your procedure, it will be placed at the end of your procedure, before the «End Sub» line. A template is included with this copy of Header Maker («Header Demo.hmt» file). You can take a look at it and transform it for your own templates. [Options]: This menu shows a form in which you can define your Header Maker Templates names and paths. You can defined your own tags and write as many template you wish: Name: A descriptive name for the template that will be used. Path: The path to the template file (.hmt). Remove: To remove the current template from the list. Language: Header Maker can be in french or in english. Procedure's name: The tag used in your template file (.hmt) for the name of the procedure. Supposed that the tag «Proc» is used for inserting a header in the Form_Load event, the following lines in the template file: On Error Goto Err_«Proc» Exit_«Proc»: Err_«Proc»: will produce: On Error Goto Err_From_Load Exit_Form_Load: Err_Form_Load: Procedure's type: The tag used in your template file (.hmt) for the type of the procedure. Supposed that the tag «Type» is used for inserting a header in a TestIt function, the following lines in the template file: Exit «Type» will produce: Exit Function Programmer: The tags used in your template file (.hmt) for the & name of the programmer. If you use the «Prog» tag Programmer's name: in your template and John Smith as the programmer's name: 'Created By: «Prog» will produce: 'Created By: John Smith Date: The tags used in your template file (.hmt) for the & current date. Can be any of the recognized date format Date Format: including «Short Date» and «Long Date». If you use the «Date» tag in your template and define «dd mmmm yy» as the date format: 'Created On: «Date» will produce: 'Created On: 12 August 97 [About Header Maker]:This menu shows the About form. There is a 10 seconds countdown on the unregistered version. This countdown is also displayed each time you connect, disconnect or insert a header. There is no more countdowns when you registered. _______________________________________________________________ 3- Registration --------------- To register, print the form located in the Reg-en.txt file and send it at the address indicated with a cheque or postal money order. Indicate the way you would like to receive your registration number. Once you you have receive it, got to the menu [Header Maker], [About Header Maker] and click on the Registration command button. _______________________________________________________________ 4- Disclaimer --------------- You use this at your own risk. While all attempts have been made to make this software error free, Soft concepts is in no way liable for any losses due to the use of this software. No warranty is given or implied.